Monday, August 23, 2010

Totally Shameless Promotion

In the name of getting free stuff...

But, in my defense, it is really good free stuff. Katie ("Sweet Tater") arranged for a give-away of a set of "unpaper towels." I have realized that we use a ridiculous amount of paper towels in our household when my wife made a special emergency trip to the store for a case of them the other day. Maybe a set of "unpaper towels" would help. Here's hoping I win...

Check out her blog and the giveaway here.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fresh Prunes?

I'm still trying to figure out if this is worse than when they were marketing prunes as "dried plums" to avoid the prunes' stigma as a home remedy for constipation.

Anyhow, these were in the produce section of Costco, right down from the "fresh raisins."


OK, so according to the Wikipedia, there may be a distinction between certain fruits (specifically the freestone and clingstone varieties) where one is a "prune" and the other is a "plum." Thus, it is possible to have "fresh prunes." I am not buying it though. I suspect that Stellar Distributing merely changed the Wikipedia entry on prunes to suit their marketing goof...

Pond Cow



Closeup of a fruit tart I made the other day. The purpose was to use up a bunch of blueberries we had in the fridge, but my wife doesn't like blueberries, so I made her side with strawberry jam...


Oh yeah, and I used a new thing on the blueberries--roasted lemon peel. Idea courtesy of Chocolate and Zucchini.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I realized in a conversation yesterday that I deeply distrust anything related to, or endorsed by Oprah. Is that wrong?